List of programmes - 2013 Budapest Africa Forum events



23 May, 2013. 19.00

Opening of the 2013 Budapest Africa Forum events
Vernissage of the famous South African photographer, Pieter Hugo: „This Must Be The Place -  Selected pieces 2003-2012”

Ludwig Múzeum
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1. (MÜPA)

Greetings: H.E. Mr. Szabolcs Takács, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Opening speech: Wim van Sinderen, curator at the Museum of Photography in the Hague

24 May, 2013. 13.00

Vernissage of a photo exhibition: „ Fight against poverty”

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Aula
1027 Budapest, Bem tér 4.

Opening speech: H.E. Mr. Iván Bába, State Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

24 May, 2013. 18.00

Africa Day – Official ceremony and reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Organization of African Unity, the predecessor of the African Union organized by the African Embassies in Budapest under the high patronage of H.E. Mr. János Martonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs
„Hungary celebrates Africa together with Africa”

Museum of Agriculture – Mezőgazdasági Múzeum
1146 Budapest, Vajdahunyad vár

Opening speech: H.E. Mr. Lounes Magramane, Ambassador of Algeria
Keynote speaker: H.E. Mr. János Martonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs

Cultural program

25 May, 2013. 15.00

Visit the Exhibition with the Master
Exhibition of Pieter Hugo: „This Must Be The Place -  Selected pieces 2003-2012”
An exhibition tour guided by Pieter Hugo
OPEN INVITATION! (Tickets are sold on the spot!)

Ludwig Múzeum
1095 Budapest, Komor Marcell u. 1. (MÜPA)

28 May, 2013. 17.00

Presentation of a book by Dr. Balázs Mihálffy: „Mpilo (More then fairy tales on Africa)”

Q&A session with the Author.


Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár Újpesti Király Könyvtára
1042 Budapest, Király u. 5.

28 May, 2013. 17.00

Congo – In the footsteps of Emil Torday – a photo exhibition


2030 Érd, Budai út 4. – Hungarian Museum of Geography

Opening speech: Ambassador Balázs Bokor, Coordinator of the Budapest Africa Forum

The exhibition tour guided by Hermina Ildikó Szilasi, main organiser of the Torday-Congo Expedition
For more informtion visit:

28 May, 2013. 19.00

Book presentation - Fábián JÓZSA: Umzingeli, the dreaming Hunter

Pázmány Péter Katolikus Egyetem – VIII. Szentkirályi u. 28.


The book will be presented by Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén.
Greetings: H.E. Mr. Johann Marx. Ambassador of the South African Republic
29 May, 2013. 18.00

...why Afrika?

29 May, 2013
Departure at 18.00 Alexandra Párizsi nagyáruház - Lotz terem
(1061 Budapest, Andrássy út 39)

Expeditions, missions, tales, politics and culture.
Spend a fascinating evening with authors of Africa-related books, whom stories are so colourful like the continent itself.
Come with us for a two hours long adventure on this beautiful countryside.

Leader of the adventure:
Balázs Mihálffy

Fellow travelers:
Sándor Balogh (Lesotho's Gold)
Szilárd Biernaczky (Afrika Tudástár, Projekt Director)
Ferenc Erdősi (Africa's Transport)
Gabriella Farkas (Madagascar Mission)
Sándor Fábry - Szilasi Ildikó (Congo - In the footsteps of Emil Torday)
Viktor Glied (Publikon Publisher)
Sorel Kembe (Guláysleves négercsókkal)
Péter Mhagama (African Tales - The land of Szerengeti)
Balázs Mihálffy (MPILO)
Vujity Tvrtko (Angyali történetek, Pokoli történetek)

If you are looking for more information about the continent, please visit , which is available from 29th May.

 May 30 – June 7, 2013 

The Hungarian TV Channels are showing Africa-related documentaries

30  May - A gnúk leghosszabb vándorlása 
31  May - Ének az életért                                                                    
02  June - Elragadva
05  June - Angelique és az ezüsthátú gorillák
06  June - Szafari - A vadon testközelben        
07  June - Jillian utazásai - Afrika                        
07  June -A tótól az asztalig                                 

In this period several parts of the World of Africa series are going to be shown on TV.

02   June – Komisz kamaszok Afrikában

1-2 June, 2013 10:00-18:00

„They live among us” – project (
Millenáris D épület - 1024 Budapest, Kis Rókus utca 16-20
Az Afrikáért Alapítvány (For Africa Foundation) ( és a Rendezvényparádé Kft. ( is organizing the „They live among us. Do you know them?”- project. The main aim of the project is to ease the integration of the immigrants coming from the third world and make the Hungarian society more open-minded.

3 June, 2013 17.00

Exhibition of Ilona Lázi’s sculpture collection: „Sub-Saharan Africa”
Országos Mezőgazdasági Könyvtár és Dokumentációs Központ
1012 Budapest, Attila út 93.

Opening speech: Ambassador Bokor Balázs, Coordinator of the Budapest Africa Forum
Speech:  Sándor Balogh, Chairman of the African-Hungarian Union

3 June, 2013. 18.00

Memories of a trip to Burkina Faso and Ghana by Ildikó Hermina Szilasi Africa-expert, anthropologist and Gergely Lantai-Csont photographer with screening pictures.

Makadám Klub – II. Lövőház u. 37.

4 June, 2013. 18.30

Art & Wine Lovers – Ludwig Museum
South African Wine Degustation and a walk at the Pieter Hugo exhibition

OPEN INVITATION!  - Tickets are sold on the spot.

Ludwig Museum

5 June, 2013. 17.00-23.00

African Film Day – Africa in the motion picture art
URÁNIA Nemzeti Filmszínház (Uránia National Movie Theatre)
1088 Budapest, Rákóczi út 21.

To secure a place, please make a reservation at TlnbXYgfczI4hTTNYnVkYXBlc3RhZnJpY2Fmb3J1bUBtZmEuZ292Lmh1 with referring to AFRICAN FILM DAY at the subject of the e-mail. Without a reservation we cannot secure your place.

17.00 - 1st screening:
Africa Live: The Roll Back Malaria Concert by Mick Csaky
Q&A with the Director after the screening-
Small Screening Room No. 1.

17.30 – 2nd screening:
Tsotsi by Gavin Hood
Oscar Winner South African Film!
Small Screening Room No.2.

19.00 Official greeting by H.E. Mr. Szabolcs Takács, Deputy State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
19.15 - 3nd screening:
Benda Bilili by Renaud Barret and Florent de la Tullaye (A Congolese-French Film)
Grand Hall of the Urania National Movie Theatre

21.00 - 4th screening:
Ninah`s Dowry by Victor Viyouh (A Film from Cameroon)
Small Screening Room No.1.

21.00 - 5th screening:
Nairobi Half Life by David Tosh Gitonga (A Film from Kenya)
Small Screening Room No.2.

6 June, 2013. 9.00-17.00

Africa Forum - Budapest / Hungary looks at Africa

Plenary Day of the 2013 Budapest Africa Forum
Ceremonial Hall of the New City Hall
1056 Budapest,Váci utca 62-64.


The exhibition of the Hungarian Sport Musem „Hungarian sport, Hungarian sportsmen” is shown in the front part of the Ceremonial Hall. The exhibition was oragnized for the Hungarian EU presidency and it shows the history of the Hungarian sport.

9.00 – Opening ceremony

Opening remarks  by Ambassador Balázs Bokor, Coordinator of the Budapest Africa Forum

Greetings to the participants by Mr Tamás Szentes, Vice-mayor of Budapest
Keynote speaker: H.E. János Martonyi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Hungary
9.30-11.00 – Panel 1: Sub-Saharan Africa as a key partner in the framework of the Hungarian policy of ‘Global Opening’  
11.15-12.45 – Panel 2: Perspectives of economic development in Africa – opportunities and challenges

12.45-13.45 - Lunch

13.45-15.15 – Panel 3: Education as a path for development – Higher education in Hungary as a link between our country and Sub-Saharan Africa
15.30 – 17.00 – Panel 4: Development cooperation and/or economic cooperation – how can the two fields complement each other?
17.00 -- Adoption of ‘Budapest Declaration’ of the Budapest-Africa Forum
Closing remarks: H.E. Zsolt Németh, Minister of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Hungary

2013. június 6. time is depending on further agreement
Deputy Prime Minister Zsolt Semjén meets with the highly honoured African leaders in the Parliament.
After the meeting the participants are visiting the Holy Crown.

6 June, 2013. 19.00-21.00

Gala Dinner of the 2013 Budapest Africa Forum
Károlyi – Csekonics Rezidencián, Budapest, VIII. Múzeum u. 17.

During the dinner African folk dancers and musicians are entertaining the guests. After the dinner László Kiss’s exhibition,  „African maps from the Middle-ages” will be displayed.


2013. június 7. time and place are depending on further agreement
African ministers are having bilateral discussions with their Hungarian partners.
(Ministers of Foreign Affairs-, Economy, Education, Health, Agriculture)

7 June, 2013. 9.00-16.00

„Hungary and Africa - an evolving partnership”
Academic Conference organized by the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs

Hungarian Institute of International Affairs (HIIA)
1116 Budapest, Bérc utca 13-15.

Opening speech: Dr. Botond Zákonyi, Director of the HIIA

9.30 – 11.00 – Section 1: Emerging Africa: What is Hungary’s role on the booming continent?
11.30-13.00 – Section 2: Necessary contribution: Hungary and the Conflicts in Africa
14.00–15.30 – Section 3: Regional Integration in Africa: finally taking off?
15.30 – Closing Remarks

7 June, 2013

M. Dóra Kovács: Photo exhibition - Az én Namíbiám („My Namibia”)
The Hungarian Institute of International Affairs’ exhibition during the Academic Conference

7 June, 2013. 9.30 –14.00

„Hungary and Africa – Economic ties - how to do business?”
Economic Forum co-organized by the Ministry of National Economy of Hungary, the Hungarian Trade and Investment Agency and the Hungarian Chamber of Trade and Industry


Ministers of Economy of Angola, Burkina Faso and Nigeria
Executive Director of Botswana Investment and Trade Center
Deputy Minister of Economy of Republic of South Africa

„Pénztárterem” of the Ministry of National Economy
1051 Budapest, József nádor tér 2-4.

Opening speech: H.E. Mr. Mihály Varga, Minister of National Economy

7 June, 2013. 9.30 – 12.00

„The Road to Seoul – Engaging Africa in tackling cyber security challenges”
Conference organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
1027 Budapest, Bem tér 4.
09:30 -10:00 Registration

10:00 -11:15 The London-Budapest-Seoul Process
• Conclusions of the London and the Budapest Conferences
• Towards the Seoul Conference


Ms Réka Szemerkényi – Chief Foreign and Security Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister - Hungary
Mr Jamie Saunders – Cyber Director Foreign & Commonwealth Office - United Kingdom
Mr Tai Myoung Chung – Professor for College of Information & telecommunications engineering of Sungkyunkwan University – Republic of Korea

11:15 -11:30 Coffee break

11:30 -12:45 ICT for Economic Growth and Development
• Global cooperation on Internet economy
• Enabling environment – national strategies and legislation
• Role of the private sector


Mr Lars Erik Forsberg – Directorate-General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology – EU
Ms Heli Tiirmaa-Klaar – Senior Policy Advisor - Conflict Prevention and Security Policy Directorate - European External Action Service - EU
Mr Mihály Zala – President of the National Security Authority of Hungary
Mr Zoltán Précsényi – Government Affairs Manager, Symantec Corporation

12:45-13:00 Coffee break

13:00-14:00 Cybercrime
• Budapest Convention
• Prevention and response  to cyber crime
• Legislation for countering cybercrime


Mr Thomas Dukes - Senior Advisor - Office of the Coordinator for Cyber Issues U.S. State Department
Ms Adrienn Szabó – Head of Unit, Ministry of Interior of Hungary
Directoriate-General Home Affairs – EU (tbc)

7 June, 2013. 18.00