H. E. Joseph Bol Chan the President of the Council of States in South Sudan will attend the 2nd Budapest Africa Forum in Budapest between 2015 November 2nd and 3rd. Mr. Bol Chan will deliver a speech during the 2nd Budapest Africa Forum where he will represent the African Alumni. Mr. Bol Chan did his university studies at the Eötvös Lóránd Science University in the faculty of journalism at Budapest.
2011 - To Date President of the Council of States of the Republic of South Sudan
2005 - 2010 Member of the Legislative Assembly
2003 - 2005 Vice-governor and Minister for Education of Upper Nile
2001 - 2003 Vice-goveror and Minister for Urban Planning of Upper Nile
1998- 1999 Delegate of the National Assembly
1995 - 1998 Minister for Health of South Darfur
1994 - 1995 Minister for Agriculture South Darfur
1993 Government Commissioner,of Fashoda, Upper Nile
1984 - 1992 Deputy Head of Department, Ministry of Culture and Information
1981 - 1984 Editor of the Southern Sudan Magazine
1979 - 1981 News Editor of the Nile Mirror newspaper
1972 - 1979 Reporter of the Nile Mirror newspaper
- 1972-1979 faculty of journalism Eötvös Lóránd Science University
- Mr. Bol Chan is a proud alumnus of a secondary scholl called Sudan School